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Your Purchases

Available for Purchase

MarriageBot Tier 3

  • Lets you to have up to 20 children
  • Lets you have up to 8 partners
  • Access to the /disownall command, letting you disown all of your children at once!
  • Access to the /fulltree command, letting you see all of your relatives at once!
  • Supports MarriageBot's development

Price: £7.00 per month

MarriageBot Tier 2

  • Lets you to have up to 15 children
  • Lets you have up to 4 partners
  • Access to the /disownall command, letting you disown all of your children at once!
  • Access to the /fulltree command, letting you see all of your relatives at once!
  • Supports MarriageBot's development

Price: £5.00 per month

MarriageBot Tier 1

  • Lets you to have up to 10 children
  • Lets you have up to 2 partners
  • Access to the /disownall command
  • Supports MarriageBot's development

Price: £3.00 per month

MarriageBot Gold

MarriageBot Gold is the premium version of MarriageBot. It gives you a range of features that aren't present in the normal version of MarriageBot, which can help making your families even better than before.

  • Server Specific Families This allows you to keep families registered to your own guild. No more will you be trying to marry someone to find out they have a partner you've never met 4 servers away - all family members will be kept right on your server.
  • "force" Commands Users with a role named "MarriageBot Moderator" will be able to run commands like forceadopt and forcemarry in order to construct trees exactly how you want them.
  • Larger Max Family Members The maximum number of members in a family with Gold is up to 2,000 people, putting it far above the amount offered normally.
  • Configurable Max Children Amount Stuck with only 5 children? With Gold, everyone's maximum children is set to 20.
  • Togglable Incest You love your family? With Gold you're able to show them... a lot more love.

Price: £20.00